Curriculum Vitae
Varuna Board Member, Varuna Writers' House, 2020
Screenwriting (Children's Animated TV Series)
I am a screenwriter, editor, poet and writer of short fiction.I have written for animated television productions such as Spongo, Fuzz and Jalapeña, Vicky the Viking, Blinky Bill and the Logie nominated children’s program, Tashi. As the co-founder and editor of Sculpture + the enemies magazine, I interviewed internationally renowned artists such as, Patricia Piccinini, Sir Anthony Caro, Blek le Rat and Ron English. My articles have been published in 'The Art Life' and my short fiction has been featured in publications such as Southerly Journal. Recently, I completed a Master of Creative Writing at the University of Sydney.
About Me
'That's a rap'
BLINKY TV, writer 2015
‘Notions 11’
‘The Beard of Awesomeness’
K4CE, Script Editor, Series one, 2014
K4CE, 2014, writer:
Episode 104
Episode 106
Episode 108
TASHI, 2012-2013:
‘The Golden Jawbone’
‘Squid Inc.’
‘Big Trouble in Tiny Town’
‘The Great White Rumpus’
‘It Came From Outer Mongolia’
‘Tashi and the Golem’
Vicky the Viking, 2013:
‘The Kraken’ (co-written, 2012)
HEIDI, 2012:
‘Beware the Wolf'
Master of Creative Writing
University of Sydney
Bachelor of Arts
University of Sydney
Bachelor of Fine Arts ‐ Honours (DN.)
National Art School, Sydney
Bachelor of Fine Arts
National Art School, Sydney
Transcendent, Transmundane Press
India India, Southerly Journal
The Water, Humming
Editor, Writer and Co- founder
'Sculpture + The Enemies' Magazine (Contemporary art magazine)
October 2009 – 2013
'Sculpere'‐ The Association of Sculptors, Victoria Publication
November 2009- September 2010
Essays/ Publications
Publication (writer):
'The Lives of Ghosts'- Transmundane Press 2018
Essay, Magical Realism- Transmundane Press 2018
Essay, Yori Tajitsu Price, http://www.yoriprice.com/about/profile.html- 2015
‘P.S’ (contributor)- 2014
‘The People Vs Pople’- The Art Life- March 2012
‘Forgiveness Part Two: Morality of the Mob’- 2012
‘”The Contemporary art world is 'Vulgar, Eurotrashy and Masturbatory”- but what else is new?’
‘The Media is the Message but Who’s Listening?’- 2011
‘Are You a Photographer or a Phoney?’- 2011
‘Don’t worry! She’s a professional!’- 2011
‘Frankenstein’s Monsters: Barbie Dolls, The Male Gaze and Mother’- 2011
‘Depono’ – Southerly Journal November 2011
‘Virtual Voyager- the Pain of Pleasure’, Exhibition editorial, Anna Pappas Gallery- 2011
Publication (featured)
'The Sculptors Society Bulletin' ‐ September to October 2009
'The Sculptors Society Bulletin' ‐ January to February 2009
'Ceramics Monthly' ‐ July 2008
Publication (Editor/writer):
'Sculpere' ‐2010 to 2011
'Sculpture + The Enemies (Issue 1)’ – 2009
'Sculpture + The Enemies (Issues 2, 3, 4, 5)’ – 2010
'Sculpture + The Enemies (Issues 6, 7, 8, 9)’ ‐ 2011
'Sculpture + The Enemies (Issues 10, 11, 12,)- 2012
‘Sculpture + The Enemies (Issues 13, 14, 15,)- 2013
Events and Festivals
BLACKHEATH POETRY FESTIVAL, poetry reading- 2017